WP4: Managing innovation, new materials


  • Search and investigate external innovations that could be developed within I.FAST.
  • Manage the I.FAST Innovation Fund, defining objectives and deliverables and monitoring the progress of work.
  • Produce innovative materials suitable for beam-windows applications in high-power accelerators.
  • Promote the use of carbide-carbon materials (CCM) in future particle physics facilities


Task Name Task Leader / Deputy
4.1 Innovation Management and Committee L. Garolfi (CERN)
4.2 Management of the Innovation Fund L. Garolfi (CERN)
4.3 Innovative beam windows for high-power accelerator applications F. Carra (CERN), M. Tomut (Munster Univ)
4.4 Large scale Carbide-Carbon Materials for multipurpose applications F. Carra (CERN)