WP6: Novel particle accelerators concepts and technologies


  • Define a roadmap towards low-energy and high-energy physics applications
  • Organise the biannual European Advanced Accelerator Concepts workshop (EAAC)
  • Develop innovative targets for laser-plasma acceleration
  • Demonstrate improved beam features with the new targets
  • Develop a new passive system to improve beam-pointing stability
  • Define solutions to stabilize beam profile in the focal spot and ensure a shot-to-shot stability of the Strehl ratio


Task Name Task Leader
6.1 Novel Particle Accelerators Concepts and Technologies (NPACT) M. Ferrario (INFN)
6.2 Lasers for Plasma Acceleration (LASPLA) L. Gizzi (CNR)
6.3 Multi-scale Innovative targets for laser-plasma accelerators C. Thaury (CNRS)
6.4 Laser focal Spot Stabilization Systems (L3S) F. Mathieu (CNRS)